EFP News

Next biennial EFP Congress will take place in Montpellier France

in June or July 2026


The Xth biennial EFP Congress in Lausanne, Switserland was a real success !



European Federation for Primatology - GfP conference

Arnhem, The Netherlands  June 1 - 3, 2022
Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the EFP / GfP meeting initially scheduled for February 2021,
was rescheduled for February 2022 and was postponed to a successful conference in June 2022

EFP congress  Oxford, United Kingdom  September 8 - 11, 2019

" Our primate heritage, our primate legacy "

Organizers:Primate Research Group, Univesrity of Oxford,Oxford Brokkes University,Primate Society of Great Britain







Thanks to 270 participants, 5 outstanding keynote speakers,

numerous oral and poster presentations  the meeting was a scientific and social success !